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Robert Voskamp

With the exception of the always sunny south, summer now seems to have definitely left the rest of Europe. 🌦 An excellent moment to talk potatoes!

At the moment, potatoes are still being harvested everywhere in Europe.
With regard to the acreage of our partner Pom'Alliance (groupe NATUP), an estimated 75% has already been harvested.
But especially in the northern French growing areas, only 10-15% has been harvested.
It is hoped that conditions in these areas, as well as in Belgium and the Netherlands, will be good enough for harvesting in the coming period.
If potatoes unforeseen remain in soil that is too wet for too long, this will have an effect on the quality and appearance of the skin.

Speaking of which, the terrible floods in Central Europe will not have escaped anyone's notice.
It currently remains to be seen what the effects will be on agriculture there after this extreme rainfall. 🌧
The situation in the Middle East will also probably have a (small) effect on the potato market. I have heard that relatively many potatoes are grown in the north of Israel and in Lebanon, it is clear that the people there currently have other priorities.

Back to our own potatoes.
We expect that 2024 will be a good harvest year with a large supply of mainly medium grades.
The plants have generally set a lot of potatoes, so there will be more pieces.
On the other hand, we think that there will be a shortage of large potatoes (bakers/grill) and perhaps also of baby (Grenaille) potatoes later.
For the time being, we will have to wait until all potatoes have been harvested and are safely in the bunkers.

We currently have more than enough potatoes available and the quality is excellent!
In addition, I dare say that in terms of price we are currently the sharpest in the market! 🥔🔪

We are happy to help you with all your questions.
